Our ethics
Charter for Sustainable Development
- Professional relations
- Select on the basis of strict criteria both men and businesses according to the values they share with PB COM INTERNATIONAL
- Guaranty confidentiality and discretion for the authorities and institutional representatives PB COM INTERNATIONAL supports
- Commit to avoiding any conflict of interest
- Ascertain that the means implemented are used for the successful completion of the projects
- Support "Sustainable Development" approaches from men and women advised by PB COM INTERNATIONAL
- Promote and Defend democratic principles and Human Rights
- Relations with the environment
- Avoid all forms of waste
- Limit PB COM INTERNATIONAL’s footprint on the environment by optimizing the business trips of representatives via the use of videoconference and by limiting paper waste
- Introduce environmental and social criteria in the call for tenders needed for the various activities
- Promote suppliers involved in certification projects
- Rely on local expertise and know-how
- Ensure the implementation of solidarity programs through actions in favor of health and education
- Relations with representatives
- Appoint complementary expertise around selected projects
- Call upon the competencies of people from diverse cultural backgrounds
- Train the teams giving them a Sense of responsibility with relation to eco-citizen actions
"Ethics is nothing else than reverence for life." Albert Schweitzer